2020, Ukraine

Natalya Vorozhbyt

Four episodes from the war in Donbass: a drunk school principal can’t find his passport at a checkpoint; three young women are smoking while waiting for their boyfriends at a bus stop – all of them soldiers; a female journalist is arrested and kept in a bunker; a young woman accidently runs over a chicken. Most of the actors are local theatre actors who give an impressive performance in these stories that range from tragic to hilarious and are at times downright brutal. Vorozhbyt’s directorial debut was the Ukrainian submission to the 2021 Academy Awards.

49174 43 Bad-RoadscREASON8-01
Section: Worldwide Visions
Country: Ukraine
Director: Natalya Vorozhbyt
Language: ukrainisch-russische OmenglU
Running time: 105min


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