DIE NACKTEN FUESSE NICARAGUAS (1st America Film Festival, 1992)
1983, BRD
Manfred Vosz / Rolf Neddermann
Documentary film about the former Weser ferry Gröpeln, which was given as a gift to the Nicaraguan poet and Minister of Culture Ernesto Cardenal by the Bremen Senate in 1982. The filming ended in disaster when the film crew was shot at on the Río San Juan on 24 May 1983 by members of the Contra group ARDE led by Edén Pastora Gómez, some of whom were seriously injured.
Section: Documentary Film Competition
Country: BRD
Director: Manfred Vosz, Rolf Neddermann
Language: Germa
Running time: 100min
Deutschland 1983; Regie: Manfred Vosz, Rolf Neddermann; Buch: Günter Wallraff, Manfred Vosz; Musik: Inti-Illimani, Grupo Gamma, William Agudelo, Grupo FM 20; Kamera: Valentin Schwab, Rolf Neddermann, Rainer Komers, Christian Fuchs; (16mm; Farbe; Ton; 100min).