DAS AUTOGRAMM (1st America Film Festival, 1992)

1984, France/Germany

Peter Lilienthal

The film is based on the novel Winter Quarters by the Argentinean Osvaldo Soriano. Lilienthal chose Portugal as the filming location, but the action takes place in the Latin American provincial town of Flores. It is about the living conditions of the little people, who here are able to do little or nothing against their dictatorial governments.

Das Autogramm Peter Lilienthal
Section: Feature Film Competition
Country: France/Germany
Director: Peter Lilienthal
Language: portuguese-german OmU
Running time: 92min

BRD 1983; Regie: Peter Lilienthal; Buch: Peter Lilienthal, nach einem Roman von Osvaldo Soriano; DarstellerInnen: Juan José Mosalini (Daniel Galvan, der Sänger), Ángel Del Villar (Tony Basilio Rocha, der Boxer), Anna Larreta (Ana Gallo, Tochter) u.a.; (35mm; 1:1,66; Farbe; 92min).