Otto Preminger-Institut
International Film Festival Innsbruck
Innrain 37 a
6020 Innsbruck
VAT: ATU 36818805
Festival direction
Anna Ladinig
Web editing
Brigitte Singer
Stefan Kuen
Development & Webdesign
Graphic design
Sebastian Köck
Notice of liability
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All texts, images, graphics, video sequences, documentary recordings and other materials published on the website of IFFI – International Film Festival Innsbruck are protected by copyright. The owner is either IFFI – International Film Festival Innsbruck or the person or institution named in the list of references. Any reproduction, copying or publication of the information which appears on the website is forbidden. Permission to print and distribute may be granted in individual cases.
We ask for understanding that we cannot specify the image rights for each individual image in the festival publications and in media reports, and we call your attention to the fact that the image material is published exclusively for the promotion of the individual film and/or the festival programme. A transfer to third parties is not provided for and can only take place with explicit permission from the rights holder.